Forsayth Hospital (Tablelands HSD)


Name :

Forsayth Hospital (Tablelands HSD)

Address  :

Fourth Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

61-7-4062 5372

Fax  :

61-7-4962 5412

Web URL  :

Not Available
RDH gets record cash transfusion in NT budget

The Northern Territory Government has committed a record 335 million to Royal Darwin Hospital in this years budget Health Minister Kon Vatskalis says this is 20 million dollars more than the hospital received last year He says the extra funding will be used across the board Every single service of this hospital gets part of this budget he ... Read More

Better to transplant smokers lungs than staying on wait list UK study finds

Transplant patients who need new lungs have a better overall chance of survival if they receive donor lungs from smokers than if they remain on wait lists new British research shows The study provides strong evidence there is a net benefit to patients receiving smokers lungs even though recipients of such organs are less likely to live as long... Read More