Cummins And District Memorial Hospital

Name :

Cummins And District Memorial Hospital

Address  :

Tumby Bay Rd

Town  :


State  :

South Australia

Country  :


Post Code:


Web URL  :


Cummins And District Memorial Hospital
Cummins and District Memorial Hospital has 33 Beds incorporating 8 aged care beds Theatre Recovery High Dependency Unit Maternity and Accident and Emergency

The Health Service is well supported by the local
community with fundraising activities being widely

Committed Medical and Nursing Staff

Minimum Volume Hospital

Outpatients offered within the hospital from 0830
1000 including pathology collection Removal of
Lesions Xrays and daily dressings

Share care between the Medical Officers and the
Permanent Midwives on staff

Cummins is part of an amalgamated health service comprising of Cummins amp District Memorial Hospital Tumby Bay Hospital and Health Services Uringa Hostel and Miroma Hostel

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How do you protect your children from household poisons

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