CHIMO Crisis Services

Name :

CHIMO Crisis Services

Address  :

120 - 7000 Minoru Boulevard

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V6Y 3Z5

Phone  :

604 279 7077

Fax  :

604 279 7075

Web URL  :


CHIMO prevents tragedies and saves lives CHIMO strengthens individuals families and communities CHIMO connects people with needed community resources CHIMO builds bridges of understanding

Created in Richmond British Columbia in 1973 CHIMO Crisis Services now serves over 10000 individuals and families each year from different cultural backgrounds age groups family lifestyles and economic situations CHIMO provides diverse services from community building to prevention from individual crisis support to advocacy and from peer support to education CHIMO engages in collaborative community planning and develops innovative resources to address emerging needs

CHIMOs people Board members staff and volunteers reflect a range of cultural backgrounds and life experiences and speak more than a dozen languages

CHIMOs programs and services are supported by the Government of British Columbia the City of Richmond Vancouver Coastal Health the Law Foundation of British Columbia United Way of the Lower Mainland Community and Family Foundations generous business and community donors and more than 200 volunteers
Australia Has Lowest Number of Dialysis Patients on Waiting List

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Highlevel trauma care may limit disability

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