Charleville Health Service District (Southern Zone)


Name :

Charleville Health Service District (Southern Zone)

Address  :

72 King Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

61-7-4654 4300

Fax  :

61-7-4654 1390

Web URL  :

Not Available
Drug could boost brain cancer survival

A NEW drug could help prolong the life of people diagnosed with one of the most deadly forms of brain cancer Australian researchers say The drug was found for the first time to shrink brain tumours in patients with advanced melanoma researchers from the Melanoma Institute Australia University of Sydney and Sydneys Westmead Hospital said Dr Ge... Read More

The Oppressed Women

Low literacy of women in the world Over 110 million of the worlds children two thirds of them girls are not in school Of the worlds 875 million illiterate adults two thirds are women Two thirds of the worlds children who receive less than four years of education are girls Worldwide more than half the population of women over age 15 years cannot re... Read More