Aramac Hospital (Central West HSD)


Name :

Aramac Hospital (Central West HSD)

Address  :

Lodge Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

61-7-4651 3366

Fax  :

61-7- 4651 3351

Web URL  :

Not Available
Work begins on new hospital

Work has started on a 114 million private hospital that will bring 156 new beds to Wollongong and provide a shot in the arm for the regions health system The group behind the ambitious project yesterday said geotechnical work had begun at the Crown St site west of Wollongong Hospital and would take about six weeks Excavations would then begin... Read More

80 healthcare professionals attend Metabolic Dieticians Workshop

Out of nearly 160000 babies screened at Hamad Medical Corporation HMC for metabolic disorders in the last nine years about 270 babies have tested positive a leading neonatal expert said Professor George Hoffmann chairman of paediatrics at Heidelberg University Hospital Germany was speaking at the Second Middle East Metabolic Dieticians Workshop h... Read More