Abrolhos Islands Silver Chain Health Centre

Name :

Abrolhos Islands Silver Chain Health Centre

Address  :

Big Rat Island

Town  :

Abrolhos Island

State  :

Western Australia

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

0427 422 665

Web URL  :

Not Available
Too Much Sitting Can Kill You Study Suggests

MONDAY March 26 HealthDay News For better health try standing up more a new study suggests Those who spend 11 or more hours a day sitting are 40 percent more likely to die over the next three years regardless of how physically active they are otherwise researchers say Analyzing selfreported data from more than 222000 people aged 45 and older Au... Read More

Diagnosis of Diseases Through Ages

Diagnosis of diseases in the past involved very primitive equipments Cutting edge technology as is seen today was not heard of in the past KG Hospital when established in the year 1974 had very few gadgets to diagnose equipments However every effort was made to import advanced and sophisticated equipments as were available in the West so as to make... Read More