Adarsh Hospital Pvt. Ltd


Name :

Adarsh Hospital Pvt. Ltd

Address  :

Doctor House,
Halar Road,
Valsad H O

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

91 02632 242254

Fax  :


Web URL  :

Not Available
  • Dentistry
  • General Surgeon
  • Orthopedics
  • Paediatrics
  • Pathology Lab

Total Number Of Beds : 67

Other Facilities

  • Pathology
  • X-Ray
  • Ultrasonography

Advance Facility

  • C-arm Image Interior


Adarsh Hospital Pvt Ltd brings together a dedicated team of Doctors of different disciplines like physicians surgeons pathologist and other super specialist faculties nurses and other healthcare professionals to provide the highest standards of medical treatment

Our full range of primary and specialty care medical services enables crossspecialty consultation which assures outstanding treatment for each patient Our extensive infrastructure offers extensive facilities comprising ultramodern operating theatres 3 intensivecare beds 8 with complete monitoring system attached to central monitoring unit and with life supporting units like ventilators suction machine etc It also has a computerized patient management and networked Hospital Information System HIS a 24 X 7 on call medicine service a clinical laboratory diagnostic and pharmacy AHPL has inpatient occupancy of 65 patients per day Annual patient turnover touches an incredible figure of over 450000 outpatients and nearly 2400 inpatients AHPL offer a total and comprehensive health solution comparable to the best hospitals in India The AHPL team is comprised of healthcare professionals of the highest caliber experience and honesty The hospital has provided over 17 years of dedicated service and we pride ourselves on offering high quality medical care

The beginning
Group of doctors and well wishers of Valsad were thinking about establishing a modern medical care in all specialities of medicine particularly with those who were already practicing in Valsad

Finally the dream came true and Adarsh Hospital Pvt Ltd was established on 6th Dec in 1992 by a group of people to cater to the healthcare needs of the people of Valsad District Secondary Care Centre A few motivated doctors from the City formed the core of the medical faculty Initially we could establish hospital with about 8 bed in ICU 40 bed capacity pathology lab for primary investigation of the diseases and radiology department

The aim was to provide ultra modern scientific honest and transparent system in all specialties of medicine under one roof To have more than one consultant in the same speciality so that there is optimum utilization of costly equipment and infrastructure as well as smooth running of each department to encourage vertical growth in all specialities And to encourage and establish high quality paramedical facilities whenever possible

The Growth
Later on other doctors joined the hospital including pediatric gynecologist orthopedics laparoscopic surgeon ENT surgeon etc Other super speciality were added periodically It was soon realized that the 40bed hospital would not be adequate for a major modern health care Centre which was the ultimate aim And hence the hospital expanded and now have the capacity of 67 bed three operations theatres one with Level 2 standards NICU with the capacity to accommodate 7 new born babies with complete asepsis

Future aim
We are constantly aiming high to achieve higher standards in every field of health care We persistently strive to compete with ourselves and improve our performance and movement We aim to grow vertically in all specialties of medicine and horizontally by adding new specialties in our organization We are planning to expand our paramedical service in all other departments Apart from home delivery of medicine we aim to establish new community based services eg home delivery home care etc Other aim is to promote and encourage and bring philanthropic people and poor patients together
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