Brookfields Hospital

Name :

Brookfields Hospital

Address  :

351 Mill Road

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Phone  :

01223 723170

Fax  :

01223 723171

Web URL  :

Not Available


First known on its establishment in 1884 as The Cambridge Infectious Diseases Hospital then the Cambridge Borough Isolation Hospital

Sometimes known as The Sanatorium it specialized in infectious disease such as scarlet fever smallpox typhoid and diphtheria

In 1947 it was absorbed under the umbrella of the United Cambridge Hospitals UCH and became known as Brookfields It continued as a hospital for infectious diseases until Addenbrookes Hospitals Hills Road site was completed in the early 1960s

Records Cambridgeshire Archives holds minutes of the Cambridge Borough Sanatorium Committee later Public Health Committee 18891949 including monthly reports detailing name and address of discharged patients date of admission etc
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